Bright, Quick, & Flexible

Year-end is a festive time around the world for those celebrating Christmas in Dec, and New Year’s Day.  For team BQF (AINEO’s team of bright, quick, and flexible people), the end of the year means a great chance for us to buff up our services after a year of busy work.

From the night of 28 Dec, we will have three days of overnight work to enhance our systems.  There may be intermittent access during the following times

29 Dec  1AM to 4AM

30 Dec  1AM to 4AM

As always, there will be no data lost, and hopefully most people in Japan are enjoying some sleep during these times.

Thanks for using CIRCLE!  We’re working hard for you.


PS. Want to know what is actually being enhanced?  Here’s some of the details-

  1. QuickerWeb BizMail will be enhanced to a beautiful new user experience (UX) adding new features to our business email (which will enable video, online drive, and other features will be beta roll outs)

  2. Buffing up the redundancy in the Tokyo and Osaka CIRCLE Cloud datacenters

  3. Suspension and decommissioning of iPBX Hosting Classic users  (everyone has moved to CIRCLE)

  4. Roll out of of new CIRCLE Mobile app to all users nationwide and around the globe

  5. Beta testing for automatic invoicing portal for partner clients

  6. Roll out of additional staging systems in advance of January 31 upgrade to CIRCLE 5.1