Special congratulations are in order for Japan’s national baseball team. Well done! Great to see Japan was able to come through the whole baseball tournament and end up on top. Congratulations for the win!
Many members of the CIRCLE team at AINEO followed the games to watch Japan move through the series of games. It was an exciting series with the final two games against team Mexico and finally the big game against team USA. Everyone played well on both sides and made the games exciting to watch for the fans.
At AINEO, we watched the last innings in our Tokyo conference room and enjoyed watching the J team win the final world championship baseball game. We’ve gained a new appreciation for the sport of baseball. Sports are not just about being big and strong but also about
- being consistent
- having a strategy
- don’t let the current situation get you down
Some sports may require size and strength for success. But like baseball, we see the beauty of CIRCLE Cloud Comms or being a service that is always there when you need great sound, features, and access anywhere around Japan.
Congratulations to team Japan baseball! Congratulations to Samurai Japan!