Bright, Quick, & Flexible

New Version of QuickFAX from November!

Since AINEO introduced CIRCLE Cloud in 2016, we’ve been running like wild horses to keep up with the demand.  We’ve focused on voice, video, and chat as our core.  But  repeatedly, we were asked to build a internet-based fax service.  Thanks to a great team, we were...

We’re back in the office

The AINEO team is back in the office and rocking with CIRCLE Cloud Communications. We sell cloud-based phone services that provide chat and video to our partners. We can work from anywhere. Why are we in the office? After weeks of daily check in meetings in the AM and...

Japan Year End Holidays 2019

We are thankful to our partners and friends for making 2018 one of the best years in our 21 year history.  Thank you! AINEO’s offices will be closed to observe the Japanese New Year Holidays from: 29 Dec 2018 to 3 Jan 2019 If our using Japan’s fastest...

We Hit 12 Million!

On November 2nd, while doing maintenance in the middle of the night, our data center teams discovered an amazing statistic.  Users on the iPBX Hosting Cloud phone service made and received over 12 million phone calls on our platform nationwide! That’s not including...