The last two years have been exciting. With explosive growth in our CIRCLE Cloud Communications business we’ve had to hire a lot of people to service thousands of new partner clients. Not everyone has been that great. Some new hires have been weird in fact. We’ve had people sleeping at their desks, negative gossipers, and even those who thought it was their privilege to come to work late every day and leave work early. Needless to say, none of those people are with us anymore. The AINEO standard for ourselves is we are bright, quick, and flexible (in short BQF). We want to be the best place on earth to grow. In order to do that everyone has to be onboard.
From experience, we have changed our strategy on selecting who we want to work with. We are now looking at the character of the individual and what they have actually done with their life until now. It they did something good before, they can do greater things in our environment.
This week, we welcomed three new team mates. We’ll continue to hire more bright people who love people and technology. It’s been an intensive week of training with new players and 4 instructors doing training. We’re very excited to welcome team mates from Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and India to our hard-working, fun, software and technology environment!
If you use CIRCLE Cloud Communications phone, video, or chat collaboration, you can look forward to talking to one of them soon! Let’s all be BQF! What is BQF? Check out “The World Needs More BQF People” here.